11. Resumen de métodos y funciones

A continuación a modo de resumen mencionamos algunos métodos y funciones relacionadas con Listas.

  • append()Add a single element to the end of the list
  • extend()Add Elements of a List to Another List
  • insert() Inserts Element to The List
  • remove()Removes item from the list
  • index()returns smallest index of element in list
  • count()returns occurrences of element in a list
  • pop()Removes element at the given index
  • reverse()Reverses a List
  • sort()sorts elements of a list
  • copy()Returns Shallow Copy of a List
  • clear()Removes all Items from the List
  • any()Checks if any Element of an Iterable is True
  • all()returns true when all elements in iterable is true
  • ascii()Returns String Containing Printable Representation
  • bool()Converts a Value to Boolean
  • enumerate()Returns an Enumerate Object
  • filter()constructs iterator from elements which are true
  • iter()returns an iterator
  • list()creates a list in Python
  • len() Returns Length of an Object
  • max()returns the largest item
  • min()returns the smallest value
  • map() Applies Function and Returns a List
  • reversed()returns the reversed iterator of a sequence
  • slice()returns a slice object
  • sorted()returns a sorted list from the given iterable
  • sum() Adds items of an Iterable
  • zip() Returns an iterator of tuples
